
Cookie policy

San Giorgio Srl, the data controller of the personal data collected using cookies and similar technologies on the, website, releases the following information pursuant to art.13 and 122 of Legislative Decree 30 June 2003 no.196 (hereinafter referred to as “Privacy Code”) and to the Provisions issued by the Italian Data Protection Authority and to the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (the so-called “GDPR”).

Some of the cookies used on the website require the consent of the user. This text provides users with useful indications to enable/disable cookies during website navigation.

What Are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files that a website saves on computers or mobile devices when visiting a website. They contain information on user actions and preferences that can be read by the server that sent them during following visits. “Third-party” cookies are particular types of cookies managed by a different site from the one visited by the user but linked to it in order to handle specific types of content. Usually they are images, sounds, links or other elements residing outside of the visited website.

The purpose of cookies

Cookies are used for different purposes, such as: facilitate the execution of processes related to web navigation; automatize some operations that would otherwise have to be repeated every time a user visits the website; memorize information related to the user’s device configuration; remember preferences and monitor technical elements related to the browsing session.

Which cookies do we use?

You can view all the cookies used by this Site using the following link:

Cookie list

How we obtain consent

The consent of users is obtained as they access the website for the first time thanks to a banner providing information about the cookies used. While browsing the website, users accept the website settings. The site uses a technical “cookie bar” that remembers the preferences indicated by users to avoid displaying the banner at every access.
If users would like to not consent to the use of specific cookies, they can follow the indications below.

How to install/remove the cookies from a device

It is possible to decide which cookies to accept by editing the browser settings. Most browsers are set to accept cookies, nevertheless users can modify those settings. There are various types of software that can control cookies, such as web services or other browser add-ons.

Browser’s Guides contain all the information to enable or block cookies, here are some quick links to them:

Effects of disabling cookies

If users decide to disable cookies, they should take their characteristics into consideration to avoid unwelcome changes while browsing. Disabling technical cookies could especially block some website functions.

More information

Data Protection Authority:;;

Rights of the data subject

The data subject can contact the data controller, San Giorgio Srl – Via Pitagora 1 – 74020 Faggiano | Taranto | Italia – Tel: +39 099 59 24 445 – Email: to exercise his rights under the GDPR.


Navigationserleben nach Ihren Wünschen

Diese Website verwendet technische Cookies und, nach Einholung Ihrer Zustimmung, Analyse- und Marketing-Cookies von Erst- und Drittanbietern. Schließen Sie das Banner, bleiben die Einstellungen erhalten und Ihre Navigation wird fortgesetzt. Es werden in diesem Fall nur technische Cookies eingesetzt. Ihre Zustimmung zur Verwendung anderer als technischer Cookies ist fakultativ und kann jederzeit widerrufen werden, indem Sie Ihre Cookie-Einstellungen konfigurieren. Wenn Sie mehr über die einzelnen Arten von Cookies erfahren möchten, bitten wir Sie, unsere Cookie-Richtlinien aufzurufen und zu lesen.

Verwendete Cookies

Es folgt die Auflistung aller Cookies, die auf unsere Website zum Einsatz kommen.

Technisch erforderliche Cookies

Die technischen erforderlichen Cookies können nicht deaktiviert werden, da sie die ordnungsgemäße Funktionsweise einer Website im Internet sichern. Wir setzen sie ein, um Ihnen unsere Dienste zur Verfügung stellen zu können. Sie ermöglichen grundlegende Funktionen wie die Seitennavigation, die Spracheinstellung oder den Zugang zu sicheren Bereichen der Website. Sie enthalten auch einige Analysecookies, die uns helfen zu verstehen, wie unsere Nutzer mit der Website interagieren, indem sie anonyme statistische Informationen sammeln.


